2023 Candidate

Rheema Adakkoden

Age: 22
Profession: Student
Role Models: Catriona Gray
Interests: Reading, indie songs
Advocacy: Inclusivity; Last 2019 I created a campaign called “Embracing Diversity”. Since then, we conduct small programs in different schools in Camarines Sur with the aim of educating children the importance of acknowledging differences.

Rheema Adakkoden

Age: 22
Profession: Student
Role Models: Catriona Gray
Interests: Reading, indie songs
Advocacy: Inclusivity; Last 2019 I created a campaign called “Embracing Diversity”. Since then, we conduct small programs in different schools in Camarines Sur with the aim of educating children the importance of acknowledging differences.

Photo Gallery

Rheema Adakkoden
Rheema Adakkoden
Rheema Adakkoden