2023 Candidate

Mary Balana

Age: 25
Profession: Licensed Civil Engineer
Role Models: Parents, Mother Teresa, Architect Felino Palafox
Interests: Runway, modeling, food-trip basketball, visiting far-flung communities, witnessing construction work, being around children, having quality time with family and friends
Advocacy: Strengthening the concept of sustainability towards community development as priority of construction project in the country.

Mary Balana

Age: 25
Profession: Licensed Civil Engineer
Role Models: Parents, Mother Teresa, Architect Felino Palafox
Interests: Runway, modeling, food-trip basketball, visiting far-flung communities, witnessing construction work, being around children, having quality time with family and friends
Advocacy: Strengthening the concept of sustainability towards community development as priority of construction project in the country.

Photo Gallery

Mary Balana
Mary Balana
Mary Balana